Profound transformations are reshaping our cities, altering perspectives and leaving remnants of the past scattered in their wake. Amidst this dynamic tapestry, we find ourselves mining for evidence related to shifts in economic and developmental priorities as well its consequences on individuals, communities and local business. Our intervention in the UMZU pavilion (formerly a flower shop) in the city center of Bremen sets the stage for a multidirectional exploration into the heart of an indeterminate site. Here, the absence of a stable ground encapsulates the disorienting effects of this urban ecology, triggering questions about operative actors,their motives and how they designate who/what this city is for.

As artists and cultural workers in Bremen, we embrace our roles as information miners, excavating hidden narratives, memories, and insights from the depths of this transient space. Together, we weave a delicate thread through past, present and future (imaginaries), identifying within the palimpsest ways to redefine this city as a site for harmonious connections and shared visions. We hope that through the collective fusion of artistic excavations and ethical mining we could begin to form a connection to the city center, setting a rhythm of its potential transformation beyond consumptive patterns and practices.

We invite you to join us in cultivating dialogue, exchange, mutual learning and unlearning, culminating in a collaborative effort to relocate this site as a social space. From August 8 to August 26 we will host a series of workshops and activations open to public interactions and participation.


UMZU Pavillon, Markt am Hanseatenhof

Papenstraße 6, 28195 Bremen